June 15, 2017

NIAID workshop: What is a robust PK-PD package?

Dear All: The ~150 of us who gathered in Washington yesterday and today for the NIAID’s PK-PD workshop enjoyed a very rich conversation. It’s really hard to capture the full debate, but here is a brief slide set and as well a written summary of the meeting that provide the main points. More materials can be found online at this

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Assessing antibiotic value: Two papers on antibiotic-specific gaps in traditional Health Technology Assessments

Dear All: Among various paradoxes that surround antibiotic development, the challenge for health technology assessment (HTA) is often implied but to my knowledge has as yet only infrequently been formally discussed. As one step towards filling this gap, the London-based Office of Health Economics (OHE) released a paper a few days ago that provides a detailed

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