REVAMP, a pull incentive in the US: Time to make it happen!

Dear All: I previously wrote about the nascent REVAMP legislation that would create a Pull incentive in the US market. With everybody back from the July 4th holiday, the goal for this week is to get REVAMP into position to be offered as an amendment at the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s PAHPA mark-up (expected next week). To that end, it’s now your turn to be an active citizen. Can you take action on either of the following ideas?


  1. Building support among members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee
    • Below my signature, you will find a list of healthcare staffers for Members of the Energy & Commerce Committee. As is relevant to you, now is the time for you to write to any (or all!) of these offices to urge their co-sponsorship of HR 6294 (REVAMP). 
    • The key Democratic offices who understand the crisis in AMR and seem most inclined to support are Eshoo, Peters, Butterfield, DeGette, Ruiz, and Lujan.
    • All Republican offices are potential strong supporters.
    • A personalized note to the named staffer is the best approach. As a reminder, here is a summary of REVAMP.
  2. Signing (and encourage signing of) the S-FAR/IDSA Sign-on Letter: Deadline Tuesday July 10
    • The Stakeholder Forum on Antimicrobial Resistance (S-FAR,; link no longer working as of March 2022) partnership through the IDSA and Antimicrobial Innovation Alliance are circulating this sign-on letter to Energy & Commerce leadership urging them to support the bill and include it in PAHPA Reauthorization. Please contact Collin McGoodwin ( by close of business this Tuesday, July 10, if your organization would like to sign onto the letter. 
    • The following groups have already signed the current letter: National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, the March of Dimes, the C. Diff Foundation, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, the Emory Antibiotic Resistance Center, Spero Therapeutics, Making A Difference in Infectious Diseases, and Accelerate Diagnostics. 
    • The following groups previously signed a letter urging a market incentive on PAHPA and now would be a good time for them to again send a message. If you have contacts at the following societies, please reach out and encourage them to add their support to the bill: AdvaMedDx, the Alliance for Aging Research, the American Society for Microbiology, the American Thoracic Society, the Antimicrobials Working Group, Becton-Dickinson, and the Trust for America’s Health.

All best wishes, –jr

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

Membership of the House Energy & Commerce Committee
 members are on HEALTH Subcommittee
Marked with asterisk: especially key members for outreach

Members (Republicans): Staff
Greg Walden (R-OR) – Chairman:
Joe Barton (R-TX):
John Shimkus (R-IL):
Michael Burgess (R-TX):
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN):
Fred Upton (R-MI):
Steve Scalise (R-LA):
Robert Latta (R-OH):
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA):
Gregg Harper (R-MS):
Leonard Lance (R-NJ):
Brett Guthrie (R-KY):
Pete Olson (R-TX):
David McKinley (R-WV):
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL):
Morgan Griffith (R-VA):
Gus Bilirakis (R-FL):
Bill Johnson (R-OH):
Billy Long (R-MO):
Larry Bucshon (R-IN):
Bill Flores (R-TX):
Susan Brooks (R-IN):
Markwayne Mullin (R-OK):
Richard Hudson (R-NC):
Chris Collins (R-NY):
Kevin Cramer (R-ND):
Buddy Carter (R-GA):
Ryan Costello (R-PA):
Tim Walberg (R-MI):
Mimi Walters (R-CA):
Jeff Duncan (R-SC):

Members (Democrats): Staff
Frank Pallone (D-NJ):
Bobby Rush (D-IL):
*Anna Eshoo (D-CA):
Eliot Engel (D-NY):
*Gene Green (D-TX):
*Diana DeGette (D-CO):
*Michael Doyle (D-PA):
*G.K. Butterfield (D-NC):
*Doris Matsui (D-CA):
Kathy Castor (D-FL):
Jerry McNerney (D-CA):
*Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM):
*Paul Tonko (D-NY):
*John Yarmuth (D-KY):
*Yvette Clarke (D-NY):
*David Loebsack (D-IA):
Kurt Schrader (D-OR):
Joseph Kennedy (D-MA):
Tony Cárdenas (D-CA):
*Raul Ruiz (D-CA):
Debbie Dingell (D-MI):
*Scott Peters (D-CA):

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:

  • 22-27 Jul 2018 (Bryant University, Smithfield, RI): Gordon Research Conference on Drug Resistance for Cancer, Infectious Disease and Agriculture
  • 7-8 Aug 2018: A pair of FDA Advisory Committees:
  • 21-22 Aug 2018 (FDA White Oak Campus, Silver Spring, MD): workshop entitled “Development of Non-Traditional Therapies for Bacterial Infections”. Meeting notice is here.
  • 21-22 Aug 2018 (Rockville, MD): NIAID-NINDS-DTRA workshop entitled “Infectious Disease in The CNS and Therapeutic Strategies to Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier”
  • 21-23 Aug 2018 (Cardiff, UK): BSAC Standardized Susceptibility Testing Residential Workshop. Register here.
  • [Don’t miss this one!] 4-7 Sep 2018 ESCMID-ASM Conference (#3) on Drug Development for AMR (Lisbon, Portugal). Full program is now posted.
  • 24-28 Sep 2018 (Big Sky, Montana): MSG-ERC (Mycoses Study Group) Biennal meeting
  • 3-7 Oct 2018 (San Francisco): ID Week
  • 6-14 Oct 2018 International Course on Antibiotics and Resistance (ICARe, Les Pensières, Annecy, France) 
  • 26 Oct 2018 (London): EMA information day for SMEs: “Regulatory toolbox for medicines and combined devices developers”. Here is the current agenda. Webcast will be available. More details from
  • 7-9 Nov 2018 (Seville, Spain): Better Methods for Clinical Studies in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology: A Hands-on Workshop
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