Stewardship & Access Guide from CARB-X, Wellcome, and partners: Analysis, video chat

Dear All, Novel antibacterial agents, vaccines, and diagnostics will do little if they are not widely available and used responsibly. CDDEP’s recent report entitled “The State of the World’s Antibiotics in 2021” makes this very clear: “… more people in LMICs (low-middle-income countries) die from lack of access to antimicrobials than from resistant infection.” Hence, CARB-X has

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2024 CARB-X funding rounds: Treatment, Prevention, and Diagnostics

Dear All, Heads up! Having just yesterday announced funding of its 100th project, CARB-X have today announced two funding rounds for 2024. With application dates of 18-29 Mar 2024 and 23 Sep-4 Oct 2024, applications are sought on 4 major areas (see extended details below my signature): Therapeutics for Infections Caused by Gram-Negative Pathogens (WHO and

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Novo Nordisk Foundation joins CARB-X!

Dear All (and with thanks to Damiano, Peter and Aleks for co-authoring), Some great news to start off 2024 on the right foot: the Novo Nordisk Foundation has announced that it will fund CARB-X with a three-year grant of USD 25 million! The Novo Nordisk Foundation joins four governments (Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States)

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AMR Hearing in Congress, PASTEUR re-introduced … and more!

Dear All, It’s been a busy 48 hours .. three (and a half) things for you! First up, you will find notes below my signature on today’s “Antimicrobial Resistance: Examining an Emerging Public Health Threat” hearing in the US House of Representatives. The recording of today’s hearing is now available on YouTube. It was a fabulous 2 hours

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17 April 2023: FREE Masterclass from FDA / CARB-X wants you!

Dear All, Two quick items today. First, FDA have announced an Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee on 17 April 2023 (9a-4.30p ET). The committee will “discuss new drug application (NDA) 216974, for sulbactam-durlobactam for injection, submitted by Entasis Therapeutics, Inc. The Applicant’s proposed indication is for the treatment of infections due to Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex including multidrug-resistant and

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CARB-X funding rounds! / The Mold That Changed The World at IDWeek!

Please note that a very interesting Quality Improvement RFP has been added to the current funding opportunities listing with an application cut-off of 6 Oct … apologies for the late posting!  Dear All, First up, CARB-X has at long last announced new funding rounds! As you’ll recall, CARB-X was recently funded for another 10 years by BARDA and Wellcome

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CARB-X renewed x 10 years! Strong calls for PASTEUR!

Dear All, On the heels of yesterday’s (i) patient-focused meeting at the Capitol yesterday where 5 Members of Congress spoke in person (video, press release) in support of passage of the PASTEUR Act and (ii) strong shout-out to PASTEUR by Congressman Mike Doyle during the Energy and Commerce Committee markup session, CARB-X today announced commitments of

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Building momentum for delinked incentives: Key upcoming webinars

Dear All, A brief note today as I am traveling (yes, really … first time in almost 18 months) but wanted to share these 3 important upcoming meetings. The theme I expect to hear running through them all is that (i) innovation is possible (the CARB-X Year 5 report is amazing!), (ii) new antibiotics must both

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