
Full-time in Singapore! Director Drug-Resistant Infections Clinical Research Network

COVID-related heads-up: FDA has announced that VRBPAC (Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) will meet on 10 Dec 2020 to discuss the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19. Go here for details.   Dear All, There’s a serious job opportunity in Singapore: The National University of Singapore seeks a full-time Director for

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Global AMR Hub (Berlin) seeks Scientific Program Officer

Dear All, The G20’s Global AMR R&D Hub (, see below my signature for a brief history of the Hub) has a job opening from 1 Feb 2021 for a Scientific Program Officer. Here’s a brief description of the role:  Contributes expert knowledge on AMR R&D to the further development of the Dynamic Dashboard and to

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FDA workshop on complex innovative trial designs / WHO consultancy

Dear All, First up today is a very interesting new workshop from FDA on 1-2 Sep entitled “Advancing the Development of Pediatric Therapeutics (ADEPT 7) Complex Innovative Trial Design.” In brief: “The Complex Innovative Trial Design Pilot Meeting Program (CID Program) facilitates and advances the use of complex and innovative trial designs that have the potential

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Consultants for WHO’s SECURE, Wellcome-ICARS-Danish Gov’t AMR event

Dear All, See below my signature: A 6-month consultancy with WHO to support the the SECURE initiative, a program to assist countries in accessing and sustainably managing new and existing antibiotics needed to cope with antimicrobial resistance (AMR). There’s not much online (yet) about SECURE: the best description I can find is in the Terms of Reference

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Wellcome Trust RFP: Landscape Report on Early antibiotic development

Dear All, The Wellcome Trust Drug-Resistant Infections team wants to understand what researchers in academia and SMEs need to enable them to be better able to make progress with their early antibiotic discovery projects. Although some programs are now in place (e.g., the accelerator support provided by CARB-X), what are the remaining barriers?  To help

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WHO consultancy: Create online e-learning on antimicrobial stewardship

Dear All, WHO today published a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to develop an online e-learning course on antimicrobial stewardship! There is a mention of the request on the WHO AMR homepage (link) which in turn takes you to the extended details in this Terms of Reference document (link). In brief, the project

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