
NIAID workshop: What is a robust PK-PD package?

Dear All: The ~150 of us who gathered in Washington yesterday and today for the NIAID’s PK-PD workshop enjoyed a very rich conversation. It’s really hard to capture the full debate, but here is a brief slide set and as well a written summary of the meeting that provide the main points. More materials can be found online at this

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14 June Duke-Margolis workshop on non-traditional products: Post-meeting materials

Dear All: I wrote previously about the Duke-Margolis workshop done in collaboration with FDA on the challenges of developing non-traditional antimicrobial products. We’re now back from that workshop and I can report that it was excellent. We covered an array of strategies for non-traditional products and heard an exceptional series of company case vignettes. I’ll say that

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FDA workshop on non-traditional antibacterials (21-22 Aug 2018)

 Please be sure to look closely at the events calendar: Q&A with Scott Gottlieb, Lipinski on Lipinski, and more! Dear All: FDA’s 21-22 Aug 2018 workshop on the development of non-traditional antibacterial agents was an excellent discussion of core challenges in this area. The agenda plus all the meeting materials (including the public comment slides and

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TATFAR’s 2018 meeting: Live streaming of 7 Mar opening session

Dear All: On 7-9 Mar 2018, the Transatlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (TATFAR) will meet in Atlanta, GA to discuss: Improving antibiotic use in humans and animals, Preventing infections and their spread, and Strengthening the drug pipeline. The opening session (8.30-10.00a EST on 7 Mar) will be available for viewing via live-streaming.  What is TATFAR? Created

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(Another!) FDA trial design workshop: Complex innovative designs

Dear All: Adding to the 19 Mar 2018 (Designs for Rare Diseases) and 16 Apr 2018 (Inclusion/Exclusion criteria) workshops already announced (see list below), FDA has now announced a 20 Mar 2018 workshop on complex innovative designs (CID) in clinical drug trials. From the Federal Register notice, we are told that the workshop seeks to (1) facilitate

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Duke-Margolis & FDA: Workshop on stats & methods for rare diseases

Dear All: Duke-Margolis and FDA have now announced a 19 Mar 2018 workshop entitled Utilizing Innovative Statistical Methods and Trial Designs in Rare Disease Drug Development (FR notice). Here’s the teaser from the web: “Convened by the Duke-Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy at Duke University and supported by a cooperative agreement with FDA, this public event will

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