EMA-FDA-PMDA action + Podcasts (CDD, Pew) + NEJM on non-inferiority

Dear All: Several updates today, all on the theme of good things to know or share!

First, EMA, FDA, and PMDA are continuing to meet and have released a summary of their third tripartite meetingThe key message is alignment: alignment on trial designs for key indications, alignment on pediatric programs, and alignment on single global development programs! This is excellent to see and I look forward to hearing more about this during the 2018 meetings.

Second, CDD (Collaborative Drug Discovery) has released a podcast by Lynn Silver and Johannes Zuegg in which they survey ways to think about finding molecules for Gram-negatives that both penetrate and have reliable activity. CDD will also host a webinar on 13 Dec 2017 on BMGF’s TB Drug Accelerator program.

Third, a recent paper in NEJM by Mauri & D’Agostino provides a good survey of non-inferiority trial designs. you haven’t already done so, read as well the May 2017 Rex, Talbot, et al. paper in CID on non-inferiority designs specifically for antimicrobial agents. If you’re going to work in this area, you need an in-depth understanding of strengths and weaknesses of these trials and these papers provide the background you need.

Finally, our colleagues at Pew Trust have released a variety of materials that you may find useful personally or to share. These include a podcast, two Q&A documents, and a trio of patient vignettes. All these materials are suitable for helping tell the story of AMR to interested colleagues — the patient vignettes are brief (~5 minutes) and especially compelling.

All best wishes, –jr

John H. Rex, MD | Chief Medical Officer, F2G Ltd. | Expert-in-Residence, Wellcome Trust. Follow me on Twitter: @JohnRex_NewAbx. See past newsletters and subscribe for the future:

Upcoming meetings of interest to the AMR community:


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