Government Action

Sign a letter in support of antifungal R&D … in support of PASTEUR!

Dear All: As you know if you are a regular reader of this newsletter, I think that creation of suitable Pull incentives by passage of the PASTEUR Act in the United States is key to building a vibrant pipeline of products to address the international problem of AMR. I’ve also written recently about the FORWARD Act

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NIAID BAA To Support In Vitro Diagnostic Product Development

Dear All, Excitingly, NIAID has released a new BAA (Broad Agency Announcement) entitled “Diagnostics Pre-Clinical Services Program.” Similar to the prior BAA for support of biopharmaceutical product development, this new BAA for diagnostic devices seeks a group who can manage a “multiple award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) type contract” (read that slowly!) and through it offer a comprehensive

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FDA and EMA regulatory updates / Fireside chat during the 4th AMR Conference

Dear All (lots and lots of wonkish detail here, be sure your blood caffeine level is adequate!), During the 24-28 Aug 2020 BEAM Alliance-sponsored AMR Conference (go here or see below my signature for more), I had the opportunity on 27 August to chat with Sumati Nambiar (FDA) and Marco Cavaleri (EMA) about ongoing regulatory activities. The

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Lancet: 10-20-30 targets to address AMR by 2030

Note: Since sending the 18 May 2024 newsletter about the new WHO bacterial PPL, I have learned of a 2021 PPL from Japan! Please see the Bugs & Drugs webpage to get an updated .pptx or .pdf summarizing all 8 PPLs published to date.Dear All (wonkish alert … but definitely worth the effort! Refill your coffee!),Ramanan Laxminarayan and about

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New UK 5-year AMR plan: Subscription model details!

Dear All, Today is a newsletter double-header! Coming hard on the heels of the opportunity to support an ESCMID petition to UNGA 2024, the UK today released the details of its next five-year action plan. Excitingly for this audience, there is an updated roadmap for the UK’s next steps in its subscription model. Here are

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Ready, set, go! AMR appropriations in the US FY2025 budget

Dear All, If you follow US politics, you will know that the USG (US Government) is beginning its appropriations process for FY2025 (Federal Year 2025). In preparation, a letter calling for AMR-related funding has been drafted by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), AdvaMedDx, American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Association for Professionals in Infection Control

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Call for Pull: Swiss Roundtable on Antibiotics

Dear All, To end the week, we have a really lovely paper from the Swiss Roundtable on Antibiotics (a multidisciplinary, non-profit Swiss association). Here are the links you need: The new (25 March 2024) paper entitled “Effective antibiotics for the Swiss health care system: today and in the future.” A prior (7 Feb 2023) paper

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