Something Different

Brilliant 5-minute video explainer of the AMR problem!

 Dear All, Andrew Jack of the Financial Times (FT) has produced a superb 5-minute video explainer of the AMR challenge! Featuring cameos from Kevin Outterson (CARB-X), Christine Ardal (Norwegian Institute of Public Health), and Manica Balasegaram (GARDP), the video deftly illustrates the economic challenge, the way that delinked Netflix-like models provide a solution, and the

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AMR Action Fund ($1b for P2-3): Video chat with new CEO! New committed funds!

Dear All, I’ve written before about the AMR Action Fund (9 Jul 2020 newsletter): In brief, it is ~$1b pledged by over 20 leading pharmaceutical companies to support the Phase 2-3 studies needed to bring 2-4 new antibiotics to approval by 2030 Stated differently, the AMR Action Fund provides Push incentives for Phase 2-3 to complement the Push Incentives

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Young people and AMR: A global summit! A video game!

Dear All, Today we have two hopeful signs from our younger colleagues about the future of AMR! First Global AMR Youth SummitThe World Health Students’ Alliance (WHSA) has announced a 3-day virtual event (20-22 Nov 2020, see details below) where “youth around the world come together to discuss, learn, and get empowered about various AMR-related

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FDA-NIAID phage workshop / Social distancing in the 1800s

Dear All, This webinar merits a standalone newsletter! If you are thinking (or working on) phage, then please mark your calendar for an FDA (CBER; Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research) workshop entitled: Science and Regulation of Bacteriophage Therapy: August 30, 2021—September 1, 2021 The purpose of the public workshop is to exchange information with the

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Excellent Coronavirus Vaccine Q&A with Tony Fauci from JAMA Network

Dear All, Howard Bauchner, the editor-in-chief of JAMA, regularly does 30-minute Q&A podcasts. Today’s Q&A was with Tony Fauci and is a superb review of current state of play. Yes, he is ready to get the vaccine and is going to be vaccinated in public! Go here to listen. For more, below my signature you

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Movies to discover antibiotics by!

Dear All, Well, I think we can all agree that being grounded and shut away by COVID-19 is not exactly what any of us had in mind this spring! I certainly miss seeing everyone at the various events and I hope you are all keeping safe.  But, staying home does offer a bit of time

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Useful AMR graphics: Poirel 2017 and Marston 2016

Dear All: There’s a very comprehensive review of the polymyxins by Poirel, Jayol, and Nordmann just out in Clin Micro Reviews ( If you’re a fan of good quality graphics as way to tell the story of AMR, their Figure 4 is worth capturing! Ditto their Figure 5 of outbreaks of colistin-resistant, carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae.

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