Wellcome Trust

ADVANCE-ID seeks antibiotic for P2/3 development Asia!

Dear All, Yow! Led by David Paterson,  ADVANCE-ID (ADVANcing Clinical Evidence in Infectious Diseases) is a research group launched March 2023 as a network of more than 30 hospitals across Asia. The exciting news is that ADVANCE-ID have just announced that they are seeking a novel antimicrobial agent vs. MDR Gram-negatives that could be advanced in the clinic

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Stewardship & Access Guide from CARB-X, Wellcome, and partners: Analysis, video chat

Dear All, Novel antibacterial agents, vaccines, and diagnostics will do little if they are not widely available and used responsibly. CDDEP’s recent report entitled “The State of the World’s Antibiotics in 2021” makes this very clear: “… more people in LMICs (low-middle-income countries) die from lack of access to antimicrobials than from resistant infection.” Hence, CARB-X has

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RFP: Climate-Sensitive Infectious Disease Modelling

Dear All, And now for something really different! With the recent GRAM report (20 Jan 2022 newsletter) showing that AMR is linked to more deaths that HIV or malaria (#AMRSOS! Andrew Jack and FT team have some great graphics for this … check them out!), we now have an absolutely fascinating call from Wellcome Trust for

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PASTEUR action; Wellcome convenes Global R&D discussion!

Dear All, Two items for your attention today: an immediate action for you to take to support PASTEUR plus a launch event for a major Wellcome Trust project for your calendar.  First, as you may recall, the Oversights & Investigations Subcommittee of the US House Energy & Commerce Committee recently held a hearing about the impact of AMR.

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Consultants for WHO’s SECURE, Wellcome-ICARS-Danish Gov’t AMR event

Dear All, See below my signature: A 6-month consultancy with WHO to support the the SECURE initiative, a program to assist countries in accessing and sustainably managing new and existing antibiotics needed to cope with antimicrobial resistance (AMR). There’s not much online (yet) about SECURE: the best description I can find is in the Terms of Reference

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Wellcome Trust RFP: Landscape Report on Early antibiotic development

Dear All, The Wellcome Trust Drug-Resistant Infections team wants to understand what researchers in academia and SMEs need to enable them to be better able to make progress with their early antibiotic discovery projects. Although some programs are now in place (e.g., the accelerator support provided by CARB-X), what are the remaining barriers?  To help

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Research opportunity: Two RFPs from Wellcome Trust in support of the UN IACG

Dear All: I have just learned that Wellcome Trust is seeking applications to address an RFP (Request for Proposal) for two pieces of work designed to support the recently created UN Interagency Coordination Group (IACG) on AMR. RFP #1 is for a review of the roles, responsibilities and remit of UN organisations in relation to AMR, identifying

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