Summary of funding initiatives (Simpkin et al.) + E9(R1) Statistical methods update (FDA)

Dear All: Two updates today. First, our colleagues at London School of Economics have just published a review of antibiotic innovation incentives that includes a detailed review of some of the currently available sources of funding (Simpkin VL et al., Incentivising innovation in antibiotic drug discovery and development: progress, challenges and next steps. J Antibiot, 1 Nov 2017). As

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BARDA’s DRIVe goes live; FDA workshop (27 Jun!) on inhaled antibiotics

Dear All: I don’t mean to inundate your inbox (this is my 3rd email this week!), but these two things have just hit my inbox and one of them has very tight timing: First, I previously wrote about job opportunities with BARDA’s new DRIVe initiative. With the goal of revolutionizing the way we prevent, detect, and respond to major health security threats,

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FDA-approved surrogate endpoints for developers

Dear All: As requested by Congress as part of the 21st Century Cures Act, the US FDA has now released for public comment a table of surrogate endpoints that can be considered for use by developers: The public docket soliciting comments is here. The web page providing an overview of surrogate endpoints and biomarkers is here. The surrogate

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Two things: WHO’s looking GLASS + FDA’s advances with PDUFA VI

Dear All: Two things today. Unrelated, but both relevant! WHO’s GLASS: WHO’s Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) was created during October 2015 and seeks to obtain coordinated and consistent global estimates on resistance rates. In a major report released on 29 Jan 2018, GLASS now provides provides official national AMR data for the period 2016-17 from 40 countries

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Two research calls: FDA (rabbit VAP models) and JPIAMR (aquatic pollutants)

Dear All, Two important new research calls are now out. First, FDA is offering research funding of up to $1m to support creation of rabbit models of ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (VAP or VABP, depending on your preferred abbreviation) due to carbapenem-resistant strains of A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa. The call for proposals is via FDA Broad Agency Announcement (FDABAA-20-00123N, link), an ongoing

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Benefit-Risk analyses: Gassman et al. (NEJM) + FDA

Dear All: An article by Gassman, Nguyen, and Joffe in today’s NEJM entitled “FDA regulation of prescription drugs” caught my eye because of its emphasis on structured benefit-risk (B-R) analyses as a core part of regulatory thinking. See links below along with the core paper from the FDA’s website on benefit-risk (oddly, the NEJM paper is not

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FDA workshop on non-traditional antibacterials (21-22 Aug 2018)

 Please be sure to look closely at the events calendar: Q&A with Scott Gottlieb, Lipinski on Lipinski, and more! Dear All: FDA’s 21-22 Aug 2018 workshop on the development of non-traditional antibacterial agents was an excellent discussion of core challenges in this area. The agenda plus all the meeting materials (including the public comment slides and

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