
European Commission: Proposed Pull incentives!

Note: Be sure to see the forward calendar: there is a webinar on 9 May during which Mark McClellan will speak with Sen. Todd Young, co-sponsor of the recently reintroduced PASTEUR Act! Don’t miss it! Dear All, For today’s note, we will be doing a dive into some very exciting AMR-related proposed legislation released by

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PASTEUR: Sign a letter to make it happen this year!

Dear All, As all regular readers of this newsletter know, I think that creation of suitable Pull incentives by passage of the PASTEUR Act in the United States is THE key to building a vibrant pipeline of products to address the international problem of AMR. PASTEUR came very close to passage at the end of 2022 …

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WHO 2017 BPPL Survey, ENABLE-2 Call, OHE summary of NHS pilot

Dear All, A key theme of all discussions on Pull incentives is that substantial rewards should go only to molecules with high medical value. We’re still learning to define the idea of high value and today’s newsletter brings together 3 threads that feed into this conversation:  First, we have the idea a priority pathogen list.

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Impact of PASTEUR: 9.9m lives saved, ROI of 125:1

Dear All (and with thanks to Kevin Outterson for being lead author on this newsletter), (wonkish alert on this one … refresh your coffee and dig in!) The Center for Global Development have released a blog post and a paper estimating the potential impact of the PASTEUR Act. Here’s what you need: Blog: “The World Needs New Antibiotics.

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Lives saved + ROI of PASTEUR-like pull in Canada, UK, EU, Japan!

Dear All (and with thanks to Kevin for co-authoring), Building on their excellent analysis of the value over 30 years (29 Nov 2022 newsletter) to the United States as well the value to the entire globe of a PASTEUR-style pull that creates 18 new qualifying antibiotics, Silverman and Towse have now released country-by-country analyses using the

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Pull! Excellent 4-part OHE blog + BEAM support for TEE-based Pull

Dear All, Today we have several useful papers to share. First, OHE (Office of Health Economics, London) have posted a 4-part blog series that provides a succinct summary of the broken economics of antibiotics. The titles are good guides to content: Part 1: Why NICE and NHS England are Testing an Innovative HTA and Payment

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AMR Hearing in Congress, WHO BPPL Survey, & Vivli AMR Data Challenge

Dear All, Three things today… First, there is a newly announced hearing by the House Energy and Commerce at 9AM on this Friday, 28 April entitled “Antimicrobial Resistance: Examining an Emerging Public Health Threat.” Go here for details including a link for a livestream of hearing. It’s exciting to see this coming up … hopefully, it

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Encouraging progress on PASTEUR!

Dear All (and with thanks to Kevin Outterson for co-authoring this newsletter), Exciting and intriguing news to share about PASTEUR (and see this 16 June 2021 newsletter if you need a refresher on the ideas behind PASTEUR)! A new draft is now circulating with the intent of attaching it to a larger bill that is on track

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