
US Senate and House / Call for Pull incentives in FY23 budget

Dear All, The US Government is now building its budget for FY23 (Federal Year 2023, really runs 1 Oct 22 to 30 Sep 23). We had proposals from the House for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) budget in late June;  and the proposal from Senate was released on 28 Jul 2022. Each

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Antibiotic procurement models for LMICs / G7 Leaders call for Pull!

Dear All, Two stops on our tour today: (i) an excellent survey of incentive models and (ii) a final communique from the recent G7 meetings. First up, CGD (Center for Global Development) have released a report (link) entitled “Leveraging Purchasing Systems to Ensure Access, Stewardship, and Innovation: A Landscape Review of Current and Potential Market Structures

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CARB-X renewed x 10 years! Strong calls for PASTEUR!

Dear All, On the heels of yesterday’s (i) patient-focused meeting at the Capitol yesterday where 5 Members of Congress spoke in person (video, press release) in support of passage of the PASTEUR Act and (ii) strong shout-out to PASTEUR by Congressman Mike Doyle during the Energy and Commerce Committee markup session, CARB-X today announced commitments of

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Antibiotic supply chains: Challenges & Opportunities

Dear All, In a report entitled Understanding the Antibiotic Manufacturing Ecosystem: A view of global supply chains, pressure points, and implications for antimicrobial resistance response, the Boston Consulting Group and Wellcome Trust have examined at length the questions of (i) how the #FireExtinguishersOfMedicine are made and (ii) how they can be made with the least impact

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ARPEGE: New €17m French Consortium tackles economics, diagnostics, and therapeutics

Dear All, On 6 Jan 2022, we had the announcement of the creation of in France of the ARPEGE consortium (AppRoche théraPeutique Economique & diaGnostique de l’antibiorésistancE) or “Economic, diagnostic and therapeutic approach to antibiotic resistance.” Somebody definitely had fun with that acronym! Here’s what you need to know: The French government is providing €9m of

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Updated ATMF AMR Benchmark! Signs of progress but access lags

Dear All (and with thanks to ATMF’s Damiano de Felice for co-authoring this newsletter), Last week, the team at ATMF (Access to Medicine Foundation) released a 3rd update to the AMR Benchmark series that they started in 2018. For those not familiar with the ATMF, its independent analyses (all its funding is from governments or private

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G7 Finance Ministers call for Pull; US-specific text cites PASTEUR and a PASTEUR backup plan!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0-xt3FrAGU&ab_channel=AMR.SolutionswithDr.JohnRex Dear All, VERY exciting news on the Pull incentive front: The G7 Finance Ministers have released a statement on Actions to Support Antibiotic Development, aiming to strengthen G7 preparedness against the “silent pandemic” of antimicrobial resistance. Implicitly, this is a statement that is agreed and endorsed by the political leadership of each country —

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Woot, woot! Cures 2.0 introduced; PASTEUR Act is a key feature!

Dear All, Following release back in June of a preview (22 June 2021 newsletter), we now have the official introduction of Cures 2.0 by the bipartisan team of U.S. Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI)! Here are the links you need: Cures 2.0 legislation is available here. Section-by-section summary of the bill is available here. There

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Building momentum for delinked incentives: Key upcoming webinars

Dear All, A brief note today as I am traveling (yes, really … first time in almost 18 months) but wanted to share these 3 important upcoming meetings. The theme I expect to hear running through them all is that (i) innovation is possible (the CARB-X Year 5 report is amazing!), (ii) new antibiotics must both

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