
Call for Pull: Swiss Roundtable on Antibiotics

Dear All, To end the week, we have a really lovely paper from the Swiss Roundtable on Antibiotics (a multidisciplinary, non-profit Swiss association). Here are the links you need: The new (25 March 2024) paper entitled “Effective antibiotics for the Swiss health care system: today and in the future.” A prior (7 Feb 2023) paper

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Novo Nordisk Foundation joins CARB-X!

Dear All (and with thanks to Damiano, Peter and Aleks for co-authoring), Some great news to start off 2024 on the right foot: the Novo Nordisk Foundation has announced that it will fund CARB-X with a three-year grant of USD 25 million! The Novo Nordisk Foundation joins four governments (Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States)

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PACE: A new £30m fund for AMR innovation

Dear All, Exciting additional news merits two newsletters in one day! I’ll keep it brief and quote directly from the website: “Innovate UK, LifeArc, and Medicines Discovery Catapult (MDC) have joined forces to create PACE (Pathways to Antimicrobial Clinical Efficacy), a £30 million initiative supporting early-stage innovation against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to save lives. PACE has today (19 October 2023) announced

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Help PASTEUR cross the finish line: Action Alert from IDSA!

Dear All, Today’s news is that the House PASTEUR sponsors (Drew Ferguson [R-GA-3], Scott Peters [D-CA-50], Jake LaTurner [RKS-2] and Mike Levin [D-CA-49]) are urging House leadership to authorize the PASTEUR Act without initially having funding attached. Although this may seem counterintuitive, initial passage as a $0 bill is a solid strategy — it is common

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Canada says, “Let’s pull together!” in a major new report

Dear All (and with thanks to Kevin for co-authoring): Yesterday saw the release of a major new report on Pull incentives from Canada! The report’s cover art eloquently summarizes its key message: Well said … and proves that a picture really is worth 1,000 words! Here are the links you’ll need: The report’s webpage at the

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MHLW plan to pilot Pull incentives in Japan: Further details

Dear All, As a follow up the 19 Aug 2023 newsletter on MHLW’s work on Pull incentives (and with thanks to Yann Ferrise of GARDP for pointing out this out), we have an update in the 7 Aug 2023 edition of Nikkan Yakugyo (https://nk.jiho.jp/article/183026). It’s in Japanese and so again I must apologize for my lack

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€100m HERA Invest fund; Sign to support PASTEUR; Superb AMR movie!

Dear All,  Expanding the available Push funding, the EU’s HERA (Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority) has created HERA Invest by allocating €100m in support early and late phases of clinical trials. HERA Invest is open on a rolling application basis to EU-based SMEs developing medical countermeasures that address one of the following cross-border health threats: (i)

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EU Council Recommendation adopted! But what does it mean?

Dear All, During their recent turn to hold the EU presidency (1 Jan to 30 Jun 2023), the Swedes have steadily pushed AMR as one of their top priorities. As part of this, Sweden used their most recent presidency to release a motion to adopt a Council Recommendation on fighting AMR. Here are the parallel links that

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Reports calling for Pull: US GAO, Global AMR R&D Hub

Dear All, Two important reports for your awareness this afternoon. First, the Global AMR R&D hub have responded to a request from the G7 Finance and Health Ministers to provide an update to their 2022 progress report in advance of upcoming G7 meetings. As background, recall that the Finance Ministers in 2021 (during the UK G7

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AMR Hearing in Congress, PASTEUR re-introduced … and more!

Dear All, It’s been a busy 48 hours .. three (and a half) things for you! First up, you will find notes below my signature on today’s “Antimicrobial Resistance: Examining an Emerging Public Health Threat” hearing in the US House of Representatives. The recording of today’s hearing is now available on YouTube. It was a fabulous 2 hours

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