WHO Essential Medicines List (EML): Antibiotic Book promotes AWaReness

Dear All, WHO have released for consultation an updated draft of their EML (Essential Medicines List) Antibiotic handbook. For those not familiar with it, WHO’s EML (now in its 22nd edition!) provides a guide to a core set of medicines that every country should have. The antibiotic-focused version does this for antibiotics and then adds

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WHO RFP: Help build the One Health Research Agenda on AMR

Dear All, WHO are looking for multidisciplinary university groups or other scientific institutions to support the development of a One Health Priority Research Agenda on AMR! Per the RFP on the UN website (https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/146908), the terms of reference include scientific and methodological support for the following activities: Review of the grey literature and policy analysis of

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WHO webinars: A costing/budgeting tool for National Action Plans on AMR

Dear All, WHO are really busy these days! I was interested to see that WHO are hosting a pair of webinars entitled “The WHO Costing and Budgeting Tool for National Action Plans on AMR.” The webinars have the same basic content but different time zones. Here’s the agenda for one of them: Introduction Mr Anand Balachandran

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Job openings with WHO and with ICARS (Copenhagen)

Dear All, What a wild day … it feels like the flood gates have opened! I am still smiling about the amazing BARDA announcement of 10 further years of funding for an Antibacterial Accelerator! In parallel, six (6!) contractor/job openings have popped onto my radar! Three are with WHO and three are with the recently created

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WHO consultancy: Rollout of Policy Guidance on Integrated Stewardship Activities

Dear All, Just below my signature you will find the full details on a recently posted WHO consultancy opportunity. It’s an intriguing 6-month project during which you would be responsible for the rollout and implementation of a new WHO Policy Guidance on the Implementation of Integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities. This guidance will be rolled out in

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