WHO consultancy: Create online e-learning on antimicrobial stewardship

Dear All, WHO today published a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to develop an online e-learning course on antimicrobial stewardship! There is a mention of the request on the WHO AMR homepage (link) which in turn takes you to the extended details in this Terms of Reference document (link). In brief, the project

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WHO consultancy to support AMR-related messaging / 2 Mar 2020 deadline!

Dear All, WHO has just posted a job opening for a consultant in Geneva to help with spreading the word about AMR by (i) revamping the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) campaigns and (ii) facilitating mainstreaming of antimicrobial resistance messages into major global events and scientific conferences. Full details from the posting are below my

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Estimating attributable mortality of resistant bloodstream infections: GLASS (WHO) recommended method

Dear All, WHO’s GLASS Secretariat (Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System, link) have recently released a standardized method for estimating attributable mortality of antimicrobial resistant bloodstream infections. The webpage discussing the document is here; the document itself is here. GLASS currently collects surveillance data on infections in the blood as well as the urinary, gastrointestinal, and

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Six-month consultancy with WHO to support antibiotic stewardship

Dear All, Wow, a news-heavy day … at least two more newsletters this weekend, I think. See below my signature a posting for a 6-month consultancy in Geneva with WHO to support the antimicrobial stewardship activities of the WHO’s Department of Global Coordination and Partnership on Antimicrobial Resistance. Deadline is 10 July 2020 for applications.

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WHO Priority Pathogens List paper is published; Industry action report to be released

Dear All: First, the methods behind the WHO Priority Pathogens List (PPL, released on 25 Feb 2017) have now been published by Tacconelli et al. in Lancet Infectious Diseases along with an editorial by Tillottson. As further context while you review these excellent papers, you might also find it helpful to have to hand this slide deck comparing the WHO PPL, the 2013

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Help update the WHO clinical antibacterial pipeline analysis

Dear All: As you know, WHO produced a pipeline update with a cut-off date of 1 July 2018. It’s now published both as a manuscript (Theuretzbacher et al. Lancet ID 2018, link) and a set of summary tables (link). Team WHO would like to update this analysis with a cut-off date of 1 Aug 2019. They

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