WHO 2019 Review of the Preclinical and Clinical Antibacterial Pipeline

(15 Apr 2021 update: WHO have today released a 2020 update to the report discussed in this newsletter.) Dear All, WHO has today released two exhaustive reviews of the antibacterial R&D universe (and by way of full disclosure, let me say upfront that I participated in the clinical pipeline discussion). Based on a cut-off date

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WHO releases its Fungal Priority Pathogen List (PPL)!

Dear All, Based on a 2020 RFP, we’ve known that WHO was building a fungal priority pathogen list (PPL). Well, now the list has been released. Here’s what you need to understand the new PPL: Webpage where you can get the report My PowerPoint .pptx that summarizes all the PPLs to date My webpage that provides

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WHO 2017 Priority Pathogens List

Dear All: The new WHO priority pathogen list for R&D has been released! It’s entirely focused on bacteria both otherwise has a lot of similarity the CDC list. FYI, CARB-X will use both lists going forward. Links to WHO materials are below. I have also prepared a short slide deck (updated on 22 Dec 2017) that shows

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Raising awareness of AMR: WHO report on best approaches

Dear All, In addition to forming the inaugural WHO Task Force of AMR Survivors, the WHO has also recently released a report entitled “Awareness-raising on Antimicrobial Resistance: Report of global consultation meetings.”  The report is based on discussions at two meetings held by WHO with stakeholders from across the world. Even before opening the report,

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WHO Vaccine pipeline review; CDC on impact of COVID on AMR

Dear All, WHO continues to crank out those pipeline reviews … now we have one for bacterial vaccines! Go here for the press release and here for the report. The report considers data from 2010 forward and (interestingly) provides data on both active and failed projects. The review identified 94 active preclinical candidates and 61

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WHO Forming Task Force of Antimicrobial Resistance Survivors

Dear All, The WHO has announced a call for expressions of interests from AMR survivors and their caregivers to serve in the inaugural WHO Task Force of AMR Survivors! WHO are specifically looking for both (i) survivors of a drug-resistant infection and (ii) anyone who was a direct caregiver of such a patient. Their goal is

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Antibiotic supply chains: Challenges & Opportunities

Dear All, In a report entitled Understanding the Antibiotic Manufacturing Ecosystem: A view of global supply chains, pressure points, and implications for antimicrobial resistance response, the Boston Consulting Group and Wellcome Trust have examined at length the questions of (i) how the #FireExtinguishersOfMedicine are made and (ii) how they can be made with the least impact

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WHO Tripartite Joint Secretariat on AMR seeks consultant to develop multisectoral guidance

Dear All, WHO continues on their streak of seeking support for their AMR-related work! Today we have a posting by the Tripartite Joint Secretariat on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) of a consultancy opening for an 11-month project that would support development of multisectoral guidance(s) on development and strengthening of the coordination mechanisms and governance structures for addressing AMR. Full details

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WHO-FAO-OIE-UNEP survey on a multi-stakeholder AMR platform

Dear All (this newsletter experiments with an Executive Summary/Details format; let me know what you think),  (Executive Summary)  As a further support for implementation of recommendations from the UN Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IACG AMR), the Tripartite Plus (WHO-FAO-OIE-UNEP) are seeking to create a Partnership Platform that will “engage institutions representing states, markets and

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