
Developing antibiotics for children: There are no easy answers

Aside: If you’ve enjoyed the prior discussions of movies to inspire antibiotic R&D and very apropos given the theme of today’s newsletter, please check out the newly released 4-minute YouTube discussion of a scene from Master and Commander in which antibiotics could have saved a young man’s arm! Dear All (Wonkish alert! There’s a lot of

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FDA and EMA regulatory updates / Fireside chat during the 4th AMR Conference

Dear All (lots and lots of wonkish detail here, be sure your blood caffeine level is adequate!), During the 24-28 Aug 2020 BEAM Alliance-sponsored AMR Conference (go here or see below my signature for more), I had the opportunity on 27 August to chat with Sumati Nambiar (FDA) and Marco Cavaleri (EMA) about ongoing regulatory activities. The

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Non-traditional antibiotics: A pipeline review and an analysis of key development challenges

Dear All, Non-traditional alternatives to antibiotics have excited a lot of interest in the past few years but we’ve seen relatively few of these progress in a meaningful way (go here for Pew’s recent survey of the development landscape). Providing insights into the challenges of this area, two valuable and complementary articles on non-traditional antibiotics have recently

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Lancet: 10-20-30 targets to address AMR by 2030

Note: Since sending the 18 May 2024 newsletter about the new WHO bacterial PPL, I have learned of a 2021 PPL from Japan! Please see the Bugs & Drugs webpage to get an updated .pptx or .pdf summarizing all 8 PPLs published to date.Dear All (wonkish alert … but definitely worth the effort! Refill your coffee!),Ramanan Laxminarayan and about

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Chemical vs. drugs (Part 2): How do you discriminate? / More on halicin

This newsletter is part of a series — here are the links to Part 1, (this one is Part 2), Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. Also relevant is the 5 April 2024 newsletter entitled “48,015 → 0: Antibacterial Discovery Is Hard. Really, Really Hard.“ Dear All (wonkish note alert!), The recent newsletter on chemicals, drugs, and halicin (link, see

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