R&D Insight

WHO Antibacterial Pipeline Review: Update thru 31 Dec 2023

Dear All, WHO have released an update through 31 Dec 2023 of their ongoing series of antibacterial pipeline reviews! Here are the links you need: The report: 2023 Antibacterial agents in clinical and preclinical development: an overview and analysis and a press release about the report. Infographics: Key facts and recommendations from the 2023 antibacterial agents in clinical

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The (confusing!) language of AMR: ChatGPT tries to help!

Dear All (Wonkish alert! Not technical but lengthy … so settle in and enjoy the ride!): Regular readers will know of my fascination with language: e.g., this 20 Feb 2020 newsletter entitled “Language Matters: CRE vs. CPE; SDD vs. I; And MDR, XDR, PDR, UDR vs. DTR.” How about that for acronymics taken to Olympian

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Lancet: 10-20-30 targets to address AMR by 2030

Note: Since sending the 18 May 2024 newsletter about the new WHO bacterial PPL, I have learned of a 2021 PPL from Japan! Please see the Bugs & Drugs webpage to get an updated .pptx or .pdf summarizing all 8 PPLs published to date.Dear All (wonkish alert … but definitely worth the effort! Refill your coffee!),Ramanan Laxminarayan and about

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Lancet series video tour / Japan’s 2021 PPL (Priority Pathogen List)

Dear All, As a follow-up to yesterday’s relatively wonkish newsletter, I thought I’d quickly point out two things that may not have been obvious and one fun sidenote. First, those Lancet papers on Sustainable Access to Antibiotics are exciting but also a lot to absorb! As an introduction, I’d encourage you to start with this

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Environmental, Animal, and Human Uses of Phage: WHO webinars

Dear All, I have just this weekend learned of a 3-part WHO webinar series on uses of phage. Two of the webinars have already been held; the 3rd is scheduled for 16 May. All are / will be available for post-webinar review. The links you need are below — in addition, a copy of the

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R&D Implications: Global Burden Disease is 28% Infectious!

Dear All (with thanks to Erin Duffy for co-authoring and with a wonkish alert! Refresh your coffee!), In a fascinating follow-up to their 2022 paper on the global burden of antimicrobial resistance (20 Jan 2022 newsletter entitled “#AMRSOS! GRAM Report: ‘At Least 1.27m Deaths/Year Directly Attributable To AMR’”), the team at IHME (Institute for Health

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48,015 → 0: Antibacterial discovery is hard. Really, really hard.

Dear All (and with thanks to Patricia Bradford for co-authoring this newsletter), When you are seeking novelty, antibacterial discovery is hard … really, really, REALLY hard. And it gets even harder if you want activity vs. Gram-negative bacteria. As the latest proof of this, a paper from GARDP’s Blasco et al. describing use of an

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NIAID/DMID thinking for FY2026: Antibacterials, Phage, and Antifungals

Dear All, NIAID’s DMID (Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) recently held a council meeting during which they proposed program concepts that encompassed both antibacterial therapies (including phage) as well as antifungal therapies for funding in FY 2026 (the year that would run from 1 Oct 2025 to 30 Sep 2026). There is no guarantee that

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Chemical vs. drugs (Part 2): How do you discriminate? / More on halicin

This newsletter is part of a series — here are the links to Part 1, (this one is Part 2), Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. Also relevant is the 5 April 2024 newsletter entitled “48,015 → 0: Antibacterial Discovery Is Hard. Really, Really Hard.“ Dear All (wonkish note alert!), The recent newsletter on chemicals, drugs, and halicin (link, see

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