WHO Pipeline review / Roadmap for susceptibility testing developers

Dear All: Two useful papers have just been released — see titles and abstracts below my signature. Both are Open Access so please do download & read! And just for full disclosure, know that I’m a co-author on both. First, a working group organized by WHO has produced a comprehensive review of the clinical antimicrobial pipeline for both

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Two things: WHO’s looking GLASS + FDA’s advances with PDUFA VI

Dear All: Two things today. Unrelated, but both relevant! WHO’s GLASS: WHO’s Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) was created during October 2015 and seeks to obtain coordinated and consistent global estimates on resistance rates. In a major report released on 29 Jan 2018, GLASS now provides provides official national AMR data for the period 2016-17 from 40 countries

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WHO Consultancy to support the IACG: 20 Dec 2019 deadline

Dear All: The UN Interagency Coordination on AMR Secretariat, hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), is looking for a consultant to support the delivery of the work of the ad hoc Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IACG). As context, IACG’s mandate is to provide practical guidance for approaches needed to ensure sustained effective global action to address

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WHO Pipeline Review: “The world is running out of antibiotics”

Dear All:  Released just a few hours ago in parallel with the UN General Assembly meetings, WHO has produced a detailed review of the global pipeline. As they note on their overview webpage, “The report found very few potential treatment options for those antibiotic-resistant infections identified by WHO as posing the greatest threat to health, including

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Short-term WHO role to support analysis of pre-clinical pipeline

Dear All: I wrote previously (link to newsletter) about WHO’s call for information about pre-clinical antibiotic R&D. With a due date of 18 Mar, this is your chance to help construct a survey that can be used to drive further initiatives. In support of this, WHO is now look for a contractor to work with

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WHO wants to hear from all pre-clinical antibiotic developers (18 Mar 2019 deadline)

​Dear All: Are you doing preclinical antibiotic R&D? If so, WHO wants to hear from you! As you know, WHO has published these two analyses of priority pathogens and antibacterial agents currently in Phases 1-3: Prioritization of pathogens to guide discovery, research and development of new antibiotics for drug resistant bacterial infections, including tuberculosis (2017, link) 

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WHO wants your input on its draft TPPs for needed antibacterial agents

Dear All, WHO has developed a set of draft TPPs (target product profiles) for needed new antibiotics. As part of the process, they are now opening a public consultation. Here is the essential text from their announcement: “The World Health organization (WHO) is developing target products profiles (TPPs) for needed antibacterial agents, providing the public

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